Power Pages version 9.5.4.x is now available. This article describes the bug fixes and updates that are included in this release.
The following list details issues that are resolved/updated in this update.
- File Attachment Control: As soon as the attach file dialog box is opened, Narrator focus is moving to the background controls.
- Calendar Control: Screen reader does not announce any information after activating ‘AM/PM’ buttons.
- Tooltip is not provided for ‘Action’ menu buttons present in the “Entity list” grid.
- Blog search throws exception when older blogs are disabled
- Site Setting “Authentication/[Protocol]/[Provider]/NonceEnabled” set to false is not honored for OpenId Connect Providers.
- Wrong PCF Control properties are generated sometimes in POST Response when using multiple properties for a control.
- PowerBI embedded reports for organization doesn’t work properly in GCC cloud.
- Replies in Portal Forum Post Threads with character ‘ ” ‘ are stored in Dataverse with html encodings
- Subgrid in advanced form step not loading for users using iPad with iOS 12.5.6.
- Multi Select Option field formatted incorrectly in Edit Form
This release also contains performance updates, security fixes, and improves overall reliability of Power Pages.
June 2, 2023